
Hello. We live in a small rural Canterbury town in New Zealand. In 2015, we moved from an old subdivided city property to a new section with less than 470 square meters of land to transform. We feel blessed to have it and are excited about the opportunities growing. 

Plants & Produce

Water catchment

Water catchment

Having arranged the water storage for garden use, I noticed that there were other down pipes that...

Water storage

Water storage

With our summer looming and the cost of domestic water increasing we have been increasing the...

Crop planting

Crop planting

It’s October and I have started planting out a row of various crops at the Springston patch....

Finding & Foraging

the walking man walks

the walking man walks

We've recently kick started our video collection. One of us has a Fine Arts degree and is really...


Preparing & Preserving

The transformation of Quince

The transformation of Quince

Our quince tree has been prolific right from the start. Initially, we had about 15 large fruits...

Our edible garden

We’ve been here for a few years now, and the yard is really taking a shape – the fruit trees are filling out, roses and other trees and thriving. 

View our edible garden overview here

Our mission is to work out how we can turn good intentions into great productivity!

Our garden design

We are using permaculture principles to make garden spaces where we can enjoy flowers, safely invite native birds to feed and to attract pollinators into our garden to help build a positive ecosystem.


  • Care of the Earth
  • Care of people
  • Return of surplus